How to start a box

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How To Start A Box

  1. Get a box. (The USPS flat rate priority mail boxes are ideal (13.625" x 11.875" x 3.375", 345mm x 301mm x 85mm) [1] for boxes within the USA.)
  2. Fill it (most of the way: leave a little room for future contributions) with electronics junk and treasures.
  3. Get a small notebook. Print out the Participation Instructions and include them with the notebook.
  4. Assign the box a short code name for tracking purposes. We suggest a proper name-- like the name of a city, for example.
    Choosing a name that describes the contents is strongly discouraged; contents do evolve over time.
    Write the box code in the book or on its cover.
  5. Optionally add information about where the box was started and who donated the goodies.
  6. Write the names and websites of a couple of proposed recipients in the book.
  7. Offer your box to someone (see How to offer a box).
  8. Once you've got a willing recipient, send off your box.
  9. Update the Box Tracking page with the code name you've assigned to the new box.